
Re: recommendations for backing up Amanda?

2002-12-05 16:38:09
Subject: Re: recommendations for backing up Amanda?
From: tobias.bluhm AT philips DOT com
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 15:46:07 -0500
Niall  O Broin wrote:

>On Thursday 05 December 2002 17:22, Mark Stosberg wrote:
>> I'm curious how some you have dealt with the catch-22 of backing up
>> Amanda's configuration files. Ideally during the restore process Amanda
>> is available with all it's configuration files intact. However, if the
>> Amanda server needs to be restored, you can't restore them in the usual
>> Amanda way, because the config files to do so would be on a backup
>> tape...
>This is a FFAQ (Fairly Frequently . . . .) - the sensible thing to do is 
>copy the amanda config files to a physically different disk, and 
>even to a different computer, even offsite if you want to be really 

I capture the amanda configs on every tape. My backups start at 9pm and 
are done by the early morning.
So I set the disklist entry to back up the amanda dir at 6 am: 

warsaw /usr/local/etc/amanda {
 program "GNUTAR"
 record no
 index no
 dumpcycle 0
 starttime 0600

toby bluhm
philips medical systems, it support, mr development, cleveland ohio
tobias.bluhm AT philips DOT com