
Re: RPM files for openSUSE 11.1

2009-01-16 00:18:09
Subject: Re: RPM files for openSUSE 11.1
From: "Dustin J. Mitchell" <dustin AT zmanda DOT com>
To: Charles Stroom <charles AT stremen.xs4all DOT nl>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 22:57:45 -0500
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Charles Stroom
<charles AT stremen.xs4all DOT nl> wrote:
> fiume: # rpmbuild --rebuild amanda-2.6.0p2-1.noarch.src.rpm
> Installing amanda-2.6.0p2-1.noarch.src.rpm
> warning: user buildslave does not exist - using root
> warning: group buildslave does not exist - using root
> warning: user buildslave does not exist - using root
> warning: group buildslave does not exist - using root
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnome/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/gnome/share/pkgconfigerror:
> parse error in expression
> error: /usr/src/packages/SPECS/amanda.spec:113: parseExpressionBoolean
> returns -1
> error: Name field must be present in package: (main package)
> error: Version field must be present in package: (main package)
> error: Release field must be present in package: (main package)
> error: Summary field must be present in package: (main package)
> error: Group field must be present in package: (main package)
> error: License field must be present in package: (main package)

If you don't mind continuing to work on this, I can point you toward
the problem line.  The part that begins with
  34 # Define which Distribution we are building:
  35 # Try to detect the distribution we are building:
tries to determine which of the recognized redhat variants we're
building for.  Since we don't do OpenSUSE, we don't recognize it
specifically.  As Ingo pointed out, the macros to use would be in your
suse_macros file and friends.  The line that's giving the error is:
 112 # Detect Suse variants.  Suse gives us some nice macros in their rpms
 113 %if %{_vendor} == "suse"
 114     %if %{suse_version} == 910
so I'm guessing that _vendor isn't defined.

Basically, all I need is for someone or a group (hi, Charles and
Ingo!) reasonably familiar with the macros available on OpenSUSE to
add an extra stanza to this long set of conditionals that can
recognize OpenSUSE releases.  We'll happily merge that extra stanza
into the distribution, and voila! you can rpmbuild --rebuild RPMs as
often as you like :)

Regarding "amanda" vs "amandabackup" and other variants between
"zmanda" RPMs and distro RPMs -- as the authors of the software, we
try to standardize things *across* Linux distros, since in many cases
Amanda users back up a wide range of machine flavors, and it's a lot
easier to do so when they all have similar Amanda installs[1].  So I'd
love to see the packages shipped with distributions and from sites
like rpmforge start to adopt the standards represented in our SPECs,
but I realize that this often creates upgrade headaches for
distrubution maintainers.  Such is life..


[1] Oh, and it makes it a lot easier to support too!

Storage Software Engineer

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