
Re: Using amrecover - strange happenings

2005-09-30 05:59:02
Subject: Re: Using amrecover - strange happenings
From: Alexander Jolk <alexj AT buf DOT com>
To: Steve H <big_dog_steve AT yahoo DOT com>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:50:58 +0200
Steve H wrote:
in checking the Index files, I noticed that the actual
files had a different date on them (august 5th) while all the directories have
august 11th.  This is bothering me because that shouldn't happen.  Would Amanda
backup only the directories if the tape becomes full?

Actually, I'm under the impression that tar really notes all the directories first in its tarball, and the files much later. Now, directories (not their contents) are regularly backed up at each level, I imagine because they seem to be changing; the files themselves are correctly saved if they have changed since the last lower level.

Which means that you can get in your index files, a backup of the files from august 5th because they changed on that day, and a backup of the directories from august 11th without the files, because the files stayed identical.


Alexander Jolk  * BUF Compagnie * alexj AT buf DOT com
Tel +33-1 42 68 18 28  *  Fax +33-1 42 68 18 29