
Re: How to label tapes with amanda!

2003-05-27 14:42:29
Subject: Re: How to label tapes with amanda!
From: Mats Blomstrand <mats.blomstrand AT htu DOT se>
To: "Benoit Martin \"Sky Services\"" <bmartin AT skyservices DOT net>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 14:12:40 +0200
Hi Benoit

There are so many details that it would be very difficult to help you
with your question. It involves many things.  I recommend that you get
the source and play with it on the machine that has the tape device connected.

Print and read all the documentation.
Do a "configure; make; make install" to a test dir somewhere.

Once you understand how to connect all the details on your first machine
it will be easy to switch to production use of amanda. An experienced user
can set it up in just a few minutes ( say less than 20). The problem is to
get the first machine up.

If i have managed to do it, you can! (and im a first-time-amanda-user)
Good luck.

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