
Re: amandad without xinetd

2003-01-23 06:41:42
Subject: Re: amandad without xinetd
From: "Toomas Aas" <toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee>
To: Gene Heskett <gene_heskett AT iolinc DOT net>, amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 12:52:44 +0200
Hi Gene!

> I did a killall amandad here, then before I tried to run it I found
> I had 2 copies, one of which was maybe a leftover from an rpm
> install, so I rm'd it and ran the other one with an & as the eol. 
> It died shortly, so I'd assume there is more to it than that.  And
> there does not seem to be a manpage for it.

ISTR having read somewhere that amandad dies within 30 seconds if it 
hasn't received any connection requests. 
Toomas Aas | toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee |
* Life ain't fair, but the root password helps.

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