
Re: [Bacula-users] brestore vs version browser

2011-12-13 13:58:57
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] brestore vs version browser
From: Silver Salonen <silver AT serverock DOT ee>
To: Eric Bollengier <eric.bollengier AT baculasystems DOT com>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 20:57:15 +0200
On 13.12.2011 18:43, Eric Bollengier wrote:
> On 13/12/2011 14:40, Silver Salonen wrote:
>> On 13.12.2011 15:24, Eric Bollengier wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 13/12/2011 13:54, Silver Salonen wrote:
>>>> Yes, I can see the list of jobs, but the list is of all the individual
>>>> jobs (incremental, differential etc.), not a logical set of all jobs
>>>> configured for the FD. And the problem is that although I know 
>>>> which job
>>>> has the file/folder, I don't know in which job instance it was 
>>>> backed up.
>>> Normally, it's more a time view, you choose a date, and it displays all
>>> files that were available at this date. (the idea was to merge all
>>> fileset into a single view, it's what is implemented in the perl
>>> version, but it's not yet in the QT version)
> I just looked more carefully, and it's already implemented and can be 
> enabled/disabled by clicking on "Merge jobs".

Aha, indeed, thanks :)
I was puzzled about the individual jobs still being in the list.

> If you have ideas/patches about the window layout, tooltips, 
> organization, feel free to comment. It looks reasonable to me, simpler 
> than the File Version Browser.

Some suggestions then :)

If "Merge Jobs" is checked, the jobs' list seems quite irrelevant, 
because then all files from all jobs are shown, no matter which 
individual job is selected from the list.
So I think it would make more sense to then group the jobs in the list 
as jobs' names and then show only that job, which is selected. And then 
add one selection for showing all jobs.

As for UI, I think that in the name of more consistent UI, separating 
refresh actions from selections would be a good idea, ie. a user has to 
first make his selection, maybe correct it etc. and then hit "Refresh" 
or smth. In most places (and other apps, which is important point too) 
it's that way, but in there, it's not.

And sorting everywhere could also be a nice "feature" (eg. currently the 
list of files seems quite randomly ordered) :)

Why are encrypted files' size shown as 0B?

Does any of the points above make sense? :)


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