
Re: Is tape spanning documented anywhere?

2006-06-13 04:42:18
Subject: Re: Is tape spanning documented anywhere?
From: Toralf Lund <toralf AT procaptura DOT com>
To: Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 10:32:20 +0200

  2. What happens to the holding disk file after a dump is partially
     written to tape? Will Amanda keep the entire file, or just what
     will be written next time around? And what if the holding disk
     data is split into "chunks"?

Amanda keeps the entire dump, and will be flushed entirely again
on the next amflush or autoflush.
You mean entirely as in the whole DLE? That would mean that tape splitting is restricted to multiple tapes written in the same run, which would be rather disappointing.

Or maybe you misunderstood the question. Sorry if I was a bit unclear, but I'm not sure what terminology to use, now. What do you (should we) call one piece of output from the "tape split"? And what should "dump" be taken to mean? The entire output from the backup of one DLE, or one entry from the tape splitting. And what will a holding disk file contain, anyway? Again, will it be data for the whole DLE, or one instance of output from the split operation? (Like I said, I'm testing a bit as I write this, but haven't been able to draw any conclusions yet, mainly because I had to re-build amanda just now...)

Anyhow, when I said "holding disk file" earlier, what I meant was "the holding disk data for one DLE", and when I said "partially written to tape", what I meant was "some, but not all, split sections completely written to tape" (i.e. I was not talking about sections that are incomplete because end-of-tape is reached.)

- Toralf