
Re: Change of tape drive unit

2006-04-27 14:41:58
Subject: Re: Change of tape drive unit
From: "Guy Dallaire" <clepeterd AT gmail DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:39:25 -0400

2006/4/27, Jon LaBadie <jon AT jgcomp DOT com>:
Is there a reason you are wedded to the old config?  With the same config,
index, tapelist, ... as you use the new lto tapes you lose the index and
other info regarding the dlt tapes even though they are still good if you
need to locate data on them.

No, not necessarily wedded to that config, but I have written procedures/example of restores for my replacement when I'm on vacation and it states DailySet1 everywhere (I know it could have been more generic)

I taught about a new config, but this would have meant a new set of db and indexes, etc... Not to mention that I don't know what would happen to the gnu-tar timestamps for the incremental dumps.... (/etc/amandates)

When I'll have labeled and ran through X tapes, the content of my db and idx directories will reflect LTO tapes and I'll no longer have to switch device name if ever I have to restore older stuff.

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