
Re: Problems backup up hde5 (/)

2004-11-03 15:26:19
Subject: Re: Problems backup up hde5 (/)
From: "James Marcinek" <jmarc1 AT jemconsult DOT biz>
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 20:21:48 -0000
> You just put the directory name in place of the device, e.g.
> domino / $DUMPTYPE

OK but if it's the / partion, will it also try to backup the other filesystems
(such /var, /usr, etc) or do I have to define an exclusion list? The examples
I've patterned the diskfile showed somthing like the example:

"fatboy /bigmama_BIGDIR /bigmama { # a big subdirectory
include "./bigdir"

In this example the $DUMPTYPE is called /bigmama? If I'm not mistaken it looks
like the definition of the dumptype (in this case /bigmama)is called afterward.
Tell me if I'm interpreting this wrong please. So I could call the dumptype
whatever I like?



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