
Re: Have you got any problem?

2004-05-19 14:04:01
Subject: Re: Have you got any problem?
From: "Ken D'Ambrosio" <kend AT xanoptix DOT com>
To: Pablo Quinta Vidal <qvidal82 AT hotmail DOT com>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 13:58:28 -0400
Primero: Pablo. Lo siento si alguienes no tienen tiempo para ayudarte con su problema. (Y lo siento si mi espa~ol no es tan bueno, tambien...) No ha leido los correos otros, pero voy a buscarlos ahora, y ver si puedo contestar tus preguntas.

Second: <Flame&Rant> Okay, guys -- it must be fun to make fun of someone whose English isn't all that hot. Be damn glad you're not posting on a Spanish list, I'm thinkin'. As for the "yes, do" re: "contact your system administrator", well.. that's a fine way to show what a good job Open Source does of supporting end users. Well done -- you should be proud. Perhaps you could try reading incomplete docs on Amanda sometime -- I know I had enough trouble getting it working correctly with the ones in English. And don't let me to forget to mock you when you ask for help; it always makes (l)users such as yourself so much happier. I'm sorry, but "RTFM" is _NOT_ a viable response. Even in the most egregious cases (so long as flamebaiting isn't the intention), at most a simple, "Please read the docs; here's a URL" is a fine response.

Whew. Sorry about that. I've been using Linux and Open Source since '93 or so, and I've been on the Internet since '88... and bad manners -always- gets my goat. I'll return to technical discussions with Pablo now -- probably off-list, since the poor guy isn't a masochist.

-Ken D'Ambrosio

Pablo Quinta Vidal wrote:

Did you notice what this guy asks all the time?

He seems to not have read ANY part of the docs yet ...

If I really get bored, I also get sarcastic sometimes.
Last week another luser (or was it the same?) copy/pasted
a logfile, which ended in "or contact your systemadministrator".
I suggested he followed that suggestion. It was at least quiet
for a few days.

PS. Notice I can spell "quiet" in the correct context too? :-)

Two things:
For use amanda i am following a spanish tutorial, wich is not a full translated copy of the original. Every time I have a problem first I serach in the docs and if i dont find them then I wrote to the list.
I readed the FAQ and other docs but I didnt find a solution

Sorry if annoyed with my questions, but i think this is a list for ask and answer problems. And sorry again if im not a computer expert.

Best wishes

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