
I'm toast... (WAS: I'm lost...)

2003-07-16 06:24:59
Subject: I'm toast... (WAS: I'm lost...)
From: "Anders Norrbring" <anders AT norrbring DOT biz>
To: "Amanda users" <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 12:21:51 +0200
> > Have I misunderstood the whole concept here?
> > I thought (after searching the web) that amanda should provide a nice
> and
> > friendly X interface, or at least a web page to do administering and job
> > control in?
> No X interface.  But of course, you can use any X-capable editor to edit
> the conf-files.
> Hey, we're all sysadmins; we are the command line oriented kind of
> people -- at least I am, speaking for myself here...

Well, me too..  But, there are others using the system, and the don't always
'settle' for a nightly backup of entire systems.  They need (for a reason
I'm too stupid to understand) backups every now and then of files they need
to archive immediately (at any time *sigh*) and store away in their private
office safe. (?)

> > After what I've seen so far, trying to find any documentation at all, is
> > that it's completely .conf file manoeuvred?  If I want to change
> anything,
> > let's say awhat files should be backed up in this run, I need to edit a
> > .conf file, and then run it?
> You only have to edit the conf-files when you add or delete hosts/disks.
> Normally this is not a day to day task.
> The backup itself is normally run by a cronjob at night,
> without need for an X-interface either.
> In the morning I read the mail generated by amanda, in a nice
> x-environment, yes.
> But, this morning I just learned another acronym on this list: PCABM.

*LOL*  Yeah.. :)  But that doesn't really save my ass from the users.  And
since the server they want to use as "their" backup server isn't the main
backup server (which by the way it Legato and DLT-robot powered) it can't
cost a lot to build it as a "personal backup server".  That in turn puts me
in trouble, because the only tape drive I have available to that server is a
HP Colorado (Travan TR-5) drive connected to the parallel port (shows up at

Try to find a nice backup app with a friendly i/f that can use that kind of
drive... *sigh*


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