
[Bacula-users] 7.2 mysql issue?

2015-10-02 18:03:10
Subject: [Bacula-users] 7.2 mysql issue?
From: Stephen Thompson <stephen AT seismo.berkeley DOT edu>
To: bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 15:00:33 -0700


I believe I'm having mysql database issues since upgrading to 7.2 (from 
7.0.2).  I run mysql innodb with 900Gb database that's largely the File 

Since upgrading, I lose a few jobs a night due to database locking 
timeouts, which I have set to 3600.  I also log slow queries.

It appears that typically during a months I have about 90-100 queries 
that take longer than 15 minutes to run.  Already this month (upgraded 
earlier this week), I have 32 queries that take longer than 15 minutes. 
  At this rate (after 2 days) that will up my regular average of 90-100 
to 480!

Something is wrong and the coincidence is pretty strong that it's 
related to the upgrade.



On 09/25/2015 09:02 AM, Stephen Thompson wrote:
> So far so good.  Minor snafu on my part when updating database, but I'm
> running 7.2 now.  Looking good so far.  Will find out more when hundreds
> of jobs run tonight.
> Stephen
> On 09/24/2015 08:40 AM, Stephen Thompson wrote:
>> All,
>> I typically patch bacula pretty frequently, but I saw the somewhat
>> unusual notice on the latest release notes that warns it may not be
>> ready for use in production.  How stable is it?  I don't really have the
>> resources to test this out, but rather would have to go straight to
>> production with it.  I could always roll back, but that might entail the
>> recovery from dump of a 900GB database.  Opinions?
>> thanks,
>> Stephen

Stephen Thompson               Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
stephen AT seismo.berkeley DOT edu    215 McCone Hall # 4760
Office: 510.664.9177           University of California, Berkeley
Remote: 510.214.6506 (Tue,Wed) Berkeley, CA 94720-4760

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