
failures in 2.6.0 ("cannot read header ...")

2008-04-08 11:28:50
Subject: failures in 2.6.0 ("cannot read header ...")
From: Charles Stroom <charles AT stremen.xs4all DOT nl>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 16:38:50 +0200

On 5th April I upgraded 2.5.2p1 to 2.6.0 on Opensuse 10.2, using the
rpm provided in the download section of amanda.  This was done both on
the server-client, as well as the only other client.  I have not changed
anything accept that in amanda.conf I replaced the line
tapedev "/dev/nst0"
tapedev "tape:/dev/nst0"
as was suggested by amcheck

On the 6th of April, the first run of 2.6.0 produced an error on one
of the DLEs, which I had never seen before:

   fiume.localnet /home/charles/pictures lev 1  FAILED [cannot read
header: got 0 bytes instead of 32768]
fiume.localnet /home/charles/pictures lev 1  FAILED [too many dumper
retry: "[request failed: Resource temporarily unavailable]"]
fiume.localnet /home/charles/pictures lev 1  FAILED [cannot read
header: got 0 bytes instead of 32768]


fiume.localn /home       1  816840  722606   88.5    2:19 5214.0  12:00 1003.4
fiume.localn -s/pictures 1 FAILED --------------------------------------------

Other DLEs went fine without problem

On the 7th of April, everything was done without any error reporting.

On the 8th of April (today), I got again the same error on the same DLE
but also a recovered error condition on another DLE. The full amdump report
of today is below

From: [email protected] (Amanda)

Hostname: fiume
Org     : daily_backup
Config  : daily
Date    : April 8, 2008

These dumps were to tape daily-07.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: daily-08.

   fiume.localnet /home/charles/pictures lev 1  FAILED [cannot read header: got 
0 bytes instead of 32768]
   fiume.localnet /home/charles/pictures lev 1  FAILED [too many dumper retry: 
"[request failed: Resource temporarily unavailable]"]
   fiume.localnet /home/charles/pictures lev 1  FAILED [cannot read header: got 
0 bytes instead of 32768]
   fiume.localnet /                      lev 1  FAILED [cannot read header: got 
0 bytes instead of 32768]
   fiume.localnet /                      lev 1  was successfully retried

                          Total       Full      Incr.
                        --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:03
Run Time (hrs:min)         3:16
Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:32       0:21       0:11
Output Size (meg)        9936.1     8938.7      997.4
Original Size (meg)     13302.5    10966.4     2336.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)    74.7       81.5       42.7   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped           11          1         10   (1:10)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)      5268.4     7361.0     1484.9

Tape Time (hrs:min)        2:50       2:33       0:17
Tape Size (meg)          9936.1     8938.7      997.4
Tape Used (%)              85.1       76.6        8.5   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped            11          1         10   (1:10)
   (level:#chunks ...)
Chunks Taped                 11          1         10   (1:10)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)   995.8      995.2     1001.1

  Label          Time      Size      %    Nb    Nc
  daily-07       2:50 10174583K   85.1    11    11

  small estimate: fiume.localnet / 1
                  est: 1120K    out 1591K
  big estimate: fiume.localnet /local 1
                est: 64K    out 0K
  big estimate: fiume.localnet /opt 1
                est: 832K    out 396K
  big estimate: fiume.localnet /usr 1
                est: 9696K    out 2868K
  big estimate: fiume.localnet /usr/local 1
                est: 96K    out 34K
  big estimate: stremen.localnet / 1
                est: 3520K    out 791K
  big estimate: stremen.localnet /srv 1
                est: 64K    out 0K
  big estimate: stremen.localnet /var 1
                est: 12416K    out 9149K

                                       DUMPER STATS               TAPER STATS 
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------
fiume.localn /           1    3210    1591   49.6    0:07  219.6   0:01 3090.9
fiume.localn /home       0 11229630 9153278   81.5   20:43 7361.0 153:18  995.2
fiume.localn -s/pictures 1 FAILED --------------------------------------------
fiume.localn -s/vmware-4 1 2118650  966035   45.6    1:55 8398.8  16:09  997.3
fiume.localn /local      1       1       0    --     0:00   10.7   0:00   27.1
fiume.localn /opt        1    5160     396    7.7    1:18    5.1   0:00 3100.7
fiume.localn /usr        1   44460    2868    6.5    7:20    6.5   0:03 1016.0
fiume.localn /usr/local  1     400      34    8.5    0:02   14.1   0:00 1742.4
fiume.localn /var        1  170290   40441   23.7    0:22 1834.4   0:39 1039.4
stremen.loca /           1   10490     791    7.5    0:03  232.6   0:00 3218.2
stremen.loca /srv        1       1       0    --     0:00    5.7   0:00  119.2
stremen.loca /var        1   39450    9149   23.2    0:19  481.3   0:09 1029.2

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.6.0)

Charles Stroom
email: charles at (remove the "no-spam.")