
Re: AIT2 tape size?

2005-08-19 03:54:51
Subject: Re: AIT2 tape size?
From: Toralf Lund <toralf AT procaptura DOT com>
To: Amanda Mailing List <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 09:43:23 +0200
[ ... ]

(*) I used to say "on all linux versions", but it seems there
are different implementations in different versions.
Some systems can control the tapesettings with the file
/etc/stinit.def  (see "man stinit" if that exists).

Yes. I think maybe you can do something like that on this one (Red Hat.)

It's the "stinit" program, which is included in the "mt-st" package, that allows this, but as far as I can tell, it's not actually used in the default setup.

- Toralf

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