
Re: [Networker] Networker Newbie

2006-03-23 11:02:51
Subject: Re: [Networker] Networker Newbie
From: Stan Horwitz <stan AT TEMPLE DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:59:49 -0500
On Mar 23, 2006, at 10:47 AM — 3/23/06, rrevuru AT GMAIL DOT COM wrote:

Stan: I thought only volumes can be set to "recyclable" but not the "save sets". From the GUI when i click on the volumes, and "show savesets" it doesnt have any information on the expiration date, so is "Indexes" doesnt
have any expiration date.

My Basic question was the browse and retention policy and expiration date is
is specific to "Volumes" only or they are "Saveset/Index" specific.

Stan..Again my apologies if i sound naive. i am trying to pick. Thanks

If you wish to manually mark a tape as recyclable, start the
NetWorker administrator gui and (depending on version and platform),
go into the volumes menu, find the tape in question, and then make it

I did do change it, and the "expiration date=manual" now, my question, is the tape is full now, and how do i say Networker to overwrite it. Because it
keeps printing the error message
"Waiting for writable volumes"

If you want to enable a full tape that's marked for manual recycling to be relabled and writable, you need to mark it as recyclable. You did not say which NetWorker version you're using. Windows and Unix NetWorker have different GUIs so the specific way to mark a volume as recyclable depends on which OS platform you are using for your NetWorker server.

I use NetWorker on Solaris (i.e., Sun's Unix) so I am not the best person to respond to NetWorker server questions in a Windows environment. If you're running NetWorker in any kind of a Unix environment, you can use the NetWorker Administrator GUI to mark a manually recyclable tape as recyclable OR you can do it via the command line with the nsrjb command and the "-o" option. You can also remove the tape from the media database, but that's not the best option because you lose information about it such as how many times it was labeled.

Feel free to ask any further questions you may have; that's the purpose of this list! There's no need to apologize. Everyone on this list had to learn NetWorker somewhere!

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