
Re: [Bacula-users] Backup behavior with 2 tape drives

2008-07-10 15:41:05
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Backup behavior with 2 tape drives
From: "John Drescher" <drescherjm AT gmail DOT com>
To: "Win Htin" <win.htin AT gmail DOT com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:40:59 -0400
> Which means I have to create multiple INCREMENTAL and FULL pools if I want
> to make use of both drives (for throughput) at the same time?
There are ways to get bacula to load the same pool into 2 different
drives. I am not sure of the details because I do not do this with my
2 drive autochanger. I have 10 to 20 different pools depending on what
project and what kind of data I am backing up.

> Different scenario. If I keep the pools as is, how would Bacula behave if
> one drive fails while in the midst of a backup?
Most likely the job will fail and subsequent jobs will be blocked.

> Automatically unload the
> tape and make use of the second available drive or manual intervention?

Manual intervention.

> BTW,
> forgot to mention that I'm using version 2.2.6 on RHEL 4.
That should be fine. 2.4.1 is the latest bacula version. I am using
that because 2.4.0 gave me some problems with manual loads. Before
that I had 2.2.8 running for 6 months without any problem. I am using
64 bit gentoo though.


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