
[BackupPC-users] OT: New backup server with 6TB disk space

2011-01-13 07:57:41
Subject: [BackupPC-users] OT: New backup server with 6TB disk space
From: "Sorin Srbu" <sorin.srbu AT orgfarm.uu DOT se>
To: "'General list for user discussion, questions and support'" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 13:39:19 +0100
Hi all,

While this question is not strictly BackupPC, I think the most knowledge
regarding backup-systems are available here. Please bear with me, or send me
off. 8-)

I'm planning to build a new backup server with 6x 1TB disks in a software
raid-0 fashion á la my old 1,5TB-system, only bigger and faster. 
        Since I'd like to have those six TB's as one big partition for
simplicities sake, apparantely I need to use something called GPT disks and
create the partitions using parted according to Google.

GPT disks I've never used before and parted I believe is terminal equivalent
of gparted, which I've used before.

Are there any gotchas' from BackupPC's, or from the OS's (CentOS 5.5 x64),
point of view I should be aware of in your opinion?

Thanks for any hints.
# Sorin Srbu                    [Sysadmin, Systems Engineer]
# Dept of Medicinal Chemistry,  Phone: +46 (0)18-4714482 >3 signals> GSM
# Div of Org Pharm Chem,        Mobile: +46 (0)701-718023
# Box 574, Uppsala University,  Fax: +46 (0)18-4714482
# SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden     Visit: BMC, Husargatan 3, D5:512b
#                       Web:
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