
Re: [BackupPC-users] Using rsync for blockdevice-level synchronisation of BackupPC pools

2009-09-02 11:18:29
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Using rsync for blockdevice-level synchronisation of BackupPC pools
From: Les Mikesell <lesmikesell AT gmail DOT com>
To: "General list for user discussion, questions and support" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 10:14:05 -0500
Pieter Wuille wrote:
> To overcome this issue, i wrote a perl/fuse filesystem that allows you to
> "mount" a block device (or real file) as a directory containing files
> part0001.img, part0002.img, ... each representing 1 GiB of data of the
> original device:
> This directory can be rsynced in a normal way with an "ordinary" directory
> on an offsite backup. In case a restore is necessary, doing
> 'ssh remote "cat /backup/part*.img" >/dev/sdXY' (or equivalent) suffices.
> Although has (limited) write support, rsync'ing to the resulting
> directory is not yet possible - maybe i can try to have this working if
> people have a need for it. This would allow restoration by simply rsync'ing
> in the opposite direction.
> Doing the synchronisation in groups of 1GiB prevents rsync from searching
> too far, and splitting it in multiple files allows some parallellism
> (sender transmitting data to receiver, while receiver already checksums
> the next file; this is heavily limited by disk I/O however).

Thanks for posting this.  I've considered a very similar approach using 
a VMware .vmx image file using the options to pre-allocate the space and 
segment into chunks as an intermediate that would be directly usable by 
a vmware guest.  I'm glad to hear that the rsync logistics would be 

> In our case, the BackupPC pool is stored on an XFS filesystem on an LVM
> volume, allowing a xfsfreeze/sync/snapshot/xfsunfreeze, and using
> on the snapshot. Instead of xfsfreeze+unfreeze, a backuppc
> stop/umount + mount/backuppc start is also possible. If no system for making
> snapshots is available, you would need to suspend backuppc during the whole
> synchronisation.
> In fact, the BackupPC volume is already encrypted on our backup server
> itself, allowing very cheap encrypted offsite backups (simply not sending
> the keyfile to the remote side is enough...)
> The result: offsite backups of our 400GiB pool, containing 350GiB data, of
> which about 2GiB changes daily, is synchronised 5 times a week with offsite
> backup in 12-15 hours, requiring nearly no bandwidth. This seems mostly
> limited by the slow disk I/O on the receiver side (25MiB/s).
> Hope you find this interesting/useful,

The one thing that would bother me about this approach is that you would 
have a fairly long window of time while the remote filesystem chunks are 
being updated.  While rsync normally creates a copy of an individual 
file and does not delete the original until the copy is complete, a 
mis-matched set of filesystem chunks would likely not be usable.  Since 
disasters always happen at the worst possible time, I'd want to be sure 
you could recover from losing the primary filesystem (site?) in the 
middle of a remote copy.  This might be done by keeping a 2nd copy of 
the files at the remote location, keeping them on an LVM with a snapshot 
taken before each update, or perhaps catting them together onto a 
removable device for fast access after the chunks update.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell AT gmail DOT com

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