
Amanda exclusions

2007-10-05 10:31:57
Subject: Amanda exclusions
From: "Johan Booysen" <johan AT DOT uk>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 15:26:51 +0100
I'm using amanda to back up our Linux servers, and want to exclude some directories from a specific folder on a backup client.
In my disklist on the backup server, I've got an entry such as:
backupclientname    /usr/local/clients    comp-tar
And on the backup client I have a folder such as:
In my amanda.conf I specify an exclude file in the dumptype:
define dumptype comp-tar {
        program "GNUTAR"
        compress fast
        index yes
        record yes
        exclude list "/usr/local/etc/amanda/exclude/exclude-list"
Now I want to exclude the directory /usr/local/clients/client1/archive.
Will this work, when defined in /usr/local/etc/amanda/exclude/exclude-list on the backup client?:
I believe that the above will take /usr/local/clients (from the disklist) and append /client1/archive (from the exclude file), to result in /usr/local/clients/client1/archive to be excluded, but would appreciate if anyone can confirm this for me.  I've read, but to be honest that has slightly confused me...
Thanks very much.
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