
Re: amdump - backup error

2007-05-30 12:58:58
Subject: Re: amdump - backup error
From: "Dustin J. Mitchell" <dustin AT zmanda DOT com>
To: Jeanna Geier <jeanna AT webteam DOT net>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 11:53:24 -0500
On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 11:24:28AM -0500, Jeanna Geier wrote:
> sendsize[30823]: time 0.007: running "/usr/sbin/backup 0sf 1048576 - /etc"
> sendsize[30823]: time 0.010: running /usr/local/amanda_2.5.2/libexec/killpgrp
> sendsize[30818]: time 0.010: waiting for any estimate child: 1 running
> sendsize[30823]: time 0.044: backup: Extra argument. Try backup --help for 
> more info.
> Does anyone know what these messages are caused by and how
> to correct them?  Or see anything else that is causing my
> dump to error out that I'm missing??

It looks like Amanda is calling /usr/sbin/backup incorrectly.  I've
forgotten what flavor of system you're on, but if you can figure out how
'backup' *should* be called on your system, then we either need to
figure out how you can configure Amanda to call it that way, or add a
patch to Amanda to detect and correctly handle the differences.


P.S. Thanks for chipping in and answering others' questions while you're
asking your own!

        Dustin J. Mitchell
        Storage Software Engineer, Zmanda, Inc.

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