
A question on compression

2006-06-28 08:13:47
Subject: A question on compression
From: "Matt Emmott" <memmott AT jerkychew DOT com>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 15:42:10 -0400



I’m running Amanda 2.4.2 p2 on a Red Hat 8 server. The backups were set up before my time, and I’m trying to wrap my head around how the compression is set up & why it isn’t working for some backups. We’re backing up 2 clients – One is a Red Hat server running Amanda, and the other is a Windows server that I connect to over a Samba mount at /home/windows_server_name. It’s the Samba mount that isn’t compressing.


My disklist file is set up as follows – the backup server name is “backup”, and the Linux server that I’m backing up is called “falcon”


backup /home/windows_server_name/folder1 user-tar

backup /home/windows_server_name/folder2 user-tar

backup /home/windows_server_name/folder3 user-tar

falcon /var/folder1 comp-user-tar

falcon /var/folder2 comp-user-tar

falcon /var/folder3 comp-user-tar


And here’s the part of my Amanda.conf that specifies the type of backup:




define dumptype comp-user-tar {


    compress client fast

    index yes




However, in the backup emails, where it shows the compression percentage, the Windows server shows no compression (shows up as --), and the Linux client shows up in the 15-22% range. So, what is the best way to rectify this?







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