
Re: "Wait for dumping" question

2005-05-25 01:20:08
Subject: Re: "Wait for dumping" question
From: Ryan Pagquil <rpagquil AT philonline DOT com>
To: Toomas Aas <toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 12:53:34 +0800
Toomas Aas wrote:

Ryan Pagquil wrote:

another question, why does amstatus reports that some dumps are not successful and giving this reasons:

0 driver: (aborted:could not connect to data port: Connection timed out)(too many dumper retry)
    1 driver: (aborted:[request timeout])(too many dumper retry)

but i already configured the firewall to accept connections from 10080 and the ports i specified in configure time for udp and tcp. but when i tried to specify only one host to dump on my disklist no errors occured.

org "test"             mailto "rpagquil AT philonline DOT com"
dumpuser "amanda"
inparallel 40

What tcpportrange parameter did you use when configuring Amanda? Given that you have maxdumps set to 5 in your global dumptype and inparallel is 40, you would need a portrange of 80 ports, if my reading of docs/portusage.txt is correct. If your portrange is narrower than that then dumping only one client may make it all fit in the range, but when more clients are added there's not enough ports for everyone.

... Terminator virus found: Use ILLBE.BAK?

I've got some improvements, i tried to compile amanda again and specify more range for tcpportrange and udpportrange. The reason why my dumping got those errors is that, my firewalls didn't allow the other ports that amanda uses when dumping since i got so many hosts to backup. Just a question is that safe to wider more the tcpportrange and udpportrange? Could it be a security risk to do it?

Thanks a lot,

Ryan Pagquil
Infodyne Inc. -
3603 Antel Global Corporate Center
Doña Julia Vargas Ave.
Ortigas Center Pasig City
Tel: 687-0715

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