
Re: newbie questions about setting up amanda

2005-05-12 12:18:53
Subject: Re: newbie questions about setting up amanda
From: Jon LaBadie <jon AT jgcomp DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 12:02:05 -0400
On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 04:19:16PM +0100, Rodrigo Ventura wrote:
> >>>>> "Jon" == Jon LaBadie <jon AT jgcomp DOT com> writes:
>     Jon> Was there ever a successful backup of the DLE's in question?
> No, I'm pretty sure there was never one.
>     Jon> I presume the DLE's for /home/{ag|hm|nt} are similar to those
>     Jon> for /var/spool/imap/user/{ag|hm|nt}.  Same similarity for the
>     Jon> "uz" entries.  Yet all the /home ones are working, the
>     Jon> "include" ones for /var... aren't.
>     Jon> What is different about the /home and /var/spool DLE's?
> Not much. The latter was based on a copy&paste of the former.
>     Jon> What is different about /home itself vs /var/spool/imap/user?
> There is a physical partition mounted on /home, and therefore /home
> corresponds to the root directory of the partition in question. The
> /var/spool/... are in the root (/) partition. I'm assuming (hoping)
> that the "include" directive only works for directories in the root of
> a mounted partition!!! I want to split the /var/spool/imap/user
> directory in several dumps; do I have to create a physical partition
> and mount it at /var/spool/imap/user? (that's unreasonable for my server)
> I guess the central issue lies here: does a DLE have to correspond to
> a filesystem? Does the include directive only works for directories at
> the root of mounted filesystems?
> If these are the constraints of amanda, how can find a workaround to
> solve my problem of backing up subsets of directories deep in the
> directory structure of a filesystem?

I don't recall there being any restriction like that.  But I must admit,
the include code and capability is less solid than the exclude stuff.
Given that, how about a workaround that changes things to excludes?
The includes you have used seem like they should work (to me anyway).

Here would be some sample changes:


omni /var/spool/imap/user/ag /var/spool/imap/user {
  comment "omni mail accounts a-g"
  include file "./[a-g]*"

Revised (if you know there is only "a-z":

omni /var/spool/imap/user/ag /var/spool/imap/user {
  comment "omni mail accounts a-g"
  exclude file "./[h-z]*"

Revised (if you 'might' have things like Rodrigo or
3ware or ~junkfile in /var/spool/imap):

omni /var/spool/imap/user/ag /var/spool/imap/user {
  comment "omni mail accounts a-g"
  exclude file "./[ -`h-~]*"

Space (' ') is the first 'non-control' character (I'm assuming no
file/dirs in imap start with control chars) and Backquote, aka
accent grave ('`') is the last char before lower case 'a'.  Tilde
('~') is the last printable ascii character.

BTW if I were setting this up I would not have dumptype 'global'
specify a backup program (gnutar).  Someday I might want to use
the global properties with a different backup program.  Instead
I'd setup a more general 'global' dumptype and two additional
dumptypes like gtarglobal and dumpglobal with first include
global then specify the dump program.
Jon H. LaBadie                  jon AT jgcomp DOT com
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)