
Re: taper write error even though amcheck -sclt says ok.

2005-03-10 13:18:25
Subject: Re: taper write error even though amcheck -sclt says ok.
From: Toomas Aas <toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee>
To: "Bruce S. Skinner" <Bruce.Skinner AT drdc-rddc.gc DOT ca>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 20:10:09 +0200
Bruce S. Skinner wrote:

I'm running a DLT8000 with no tape changer, but have set "runtapes 3"
with "autoflush on" on the assumption that when a tape gets full it
will wait for me to load another and kick it with amflush.

I'm not sure if this is related to your error message, but for this behaviour you need to set up the "chg-manual" tape changer.