
[Networker] Cloning/migrating from AFTD with multiple clones - first clone gets removed from DB

2008-01-31 14:05:29
Subject: [Networker] Cloning/migrating from AFTD with multiple clones - first clone gets removed from DB
From: "Brian O'Neill" <oneill AT OINC DOT NET>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 14:01:25 -0500
I've got a script that has worked great for us for making two tape clones of savesets from a VTL. I generate a list of ssid/cloneid pairs from the VTL tapes, and feed that to nsrclone (for the first copy) and nsrmigrate (for the second copy, which then removes the DB entries for the original VTL tapes), and then recycle the tapes.

I'm now trying to adapt this for use with an AFTD staging device instead of the VTL. This has thrown a wrench into the works.

When I generate the list of ssid/cloneids from the RO side of the AFTD, and then nsrclone them to pool CloneA, everything is fine. But when I nsrmigrate them to pool CloneB, the DB entries for both the original AFTD savesets go away (good), but also for the CloneA copies (bad). I end up with a full CloneA tape with nothing on it. :(

I tried specifying just the ssid, which had the same effect.

Any ideas on what the magic combination might be?

I know I could simply feed the AFTD volume directly to nsrclone/nsrmigrate, but I want to avoid the possibility of a backup running simultaneously and ending up on CloneB but not CloneA because of timing.


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