
Re: [Networker] new tape library/solution

2006-04-18 10:56:36
Subject: Re: [Networker] new tape library/solution
From: Rodney Rutherford <rrutherf AT tripos DOT com>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 09:52:12 -0500

Regarding the Scalar 100, it DOES have those options:

"The Scalar 100's storage networking options enable iSCSI or Fibre Channel (FC) connectivity for today's backup consolidation needs. An FC option provides intelligent features to improve SAN backup performance and reliability. An iSCSI option provides an easy-to-implement connectivity choice that lets servers share a single library over standard Ethernet."

Also, as others have pointed out, ADIC does have an trade-in
policy, so you could get some value by upgrading to a newer model

I would recommend that you get quotes for:

- upgrading the Scalar 100 to FC or iSCSI

- trading in the Scalar 100 and upgrading to say the i500 from ADIC

- cost of a new implementation for a competing solution

That would then give you the most info to evaluate how
you want to proceed.


michael brooks wrote:
I cannot diagree, at least 100%. One of the problems is that the Scalar
100 is reaching EOL and that scares our management. Another is that the
Scalar 100 has one type of connection: SCSI. We need flexibility in how
we can interface with the library, specifically, connectivity to the
SANs; FibreChannel and iSCSI, would be nice to have those support
options for connectivity.


michael brooks
Network Administrator
Sequoia Insurance Company
70 Garden Ct
Monterey CA 93940
831.657.4539 phone
831.657.4512 fax
email: michaelb AT sequoiains DOT com

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