
[BackupPC-users] trashClean && backup scheduling

2009-12-22 09:08:26
Subject: [BackupPC-users] trashClean && backup scheduling
From: Sebastiaan van Erk <sebster AT sebster DOT com>
To: "General list for user discussion, questions and support" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 15:05:22 +0100

I've got a low power server running as a gateway/router with the operating system (FreeBSD 8) on a USB stick, with 2 1GB drives in software (geom) RAID-1 configuration for backups done by BackupPC.

What I want is the disks to spindown *most* of the time, except of course when BackupPC is doing its backups to the disks.

Question 1:

The first thing I noticed is that trashClean runs every 5 minutes, making it unable to spindown my disks. I changed the configuration setting to once every 7 days, but I was wondering if this is likely to cause any problems...

Question 2:

The next thing I'm wondering: what is the best way to make sure backups occur as close together as possible, so that the spinup time is minimalized and I don't get too many spinup/spindown cycles? I can use blackout periods of course, but are there any other measures I can take?

The difference in power usage is about 14 watts, so running without spindown the server consumes 36 watts, and when the disks are spun down it only consumes 22 watts.


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