
Re: very large dumps in holding area

2005-04-21 11:57:09
Subject: Re: very large dumps in holding area
From: Vicki Stanfield <vicki AT progeny DOT com>
To: Alexander Jolk <alexj AT buf DOT fr>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 10:49:00 -0400
Alexander Jolk wrote:

Vicki Stanfield wrote:

I'm guessing that the holding area isn't big enough (which I had been told before I admit, but since it's on its own partition I haven't done anything about it). I remember hearing that you can combine two holding areas as one; is that possible for me to add space from another drive and combine it with my current holding area?

Just add a second holding disk to your amanda.conf, amand will use both of them.

That's not your problem though; please follow Joshua's advice first. Your dump simply is larger than your tape, and there's nothing a holding disk can do about that. You need to split your DLE into smaller pieces using GNUTAR and possibly exclude lists, and you'll need to delete this too-large dump file from your holding disk. And you probably have hardware and software compression mixed up, but we cannot be sure without getting more info.


Well, I didn't remember to turn off software compression before this run, so that is obviously a problem.

The whole tape definition is:
# our tape definition
define tapetype HP-C5683A {
       comment "DDS-4 DAT tape"
       length 16584 mbytes
       filemark 452 kbytes
       speed 2613 kbytes

The length was set before I got here, but I googled around and it seemed to be in keeping with the other HP-C5683A entries that I found. Is it not correct?

If the dump is 28GB, should it not fit on a 20GB tape if it is compressed. Aren't the tapes basically 20/40GB?


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