
[Networker] How to know the MB used by a backup?

2007-07-19 08:57:52
Subject: [Networker] How to know the MB used by a backup?
From: Manel Rodero <manel AT FIB.UPC DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:54:29 +0200

I would like to know if there is an easy manner of getting the MB/GB used by a backup? I suppose the right command is 'mminfo' but If not found a combination for obtaining only the size of a concrete backup.

I can use mminfo to get tapes that were written in a day, if such tapes are full of savesets of the same day, then I can count the total capacity of the tape. If in this tape there are backups from different days, then I must only count the amount of my day.

Any idea, fast script for doing this?

Thank you very much.


o o o  Manel Rodero                   | LCFIB - UPC
o o o  Systems Manager                | Campus Nord - Modul B6
o o o  Laboratori de Calcul           | Jordi Girona, 1-3
U P C  Facultat Informatica Barcelona | 08034 Barcelona (Spain)
       manel AT fib.upc DOT edu              | Tel: +00 34 93 401 6940  | Fax: +00 34 93 401 7040

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