
Re: [Bacula-users] bacula catalog inconsistency

2015-07-28 07:03:20
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula catalog inconsistency
From: Lukas Hejtmanek <xhejtman AT ics.muni DOT cz>
To: Ana Emília M. Arruda <emiliaarruda AT gmail DOT com>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 12:42:41 +0200

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 01:18:36AM -0300, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:
> It seems you're having this issue because of your retention times. Could
> you post your values for volume, job and file retentions? Could you post
> the JobId 1584 date/time and also the LastWritten for volumes Vol7456 and
> Vol7457?

please, find requested info below.

Volume Retention = 100 days
File Retention = 90 days
Job Retention = 6 months

*list jobid=1584
| JobId | Name                 | StartTime           | Type | Level | JobFiles 
| JobBytes | JobStatus |
| 1,584 | RestoreFilesBay2-ics | 2015-07-17 12:57:07 | R    | F     |        0 
|        0 | T         |

*list volume=Vol7456
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot  | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|   7,456 | Vol7456    | Used      |       1 |   64,512 |        0 |   
15,552,000 |       1 | 7,456 |         1 | File      | 2015-07-15 23:05:05 |

*list volume=Vol7457
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes        | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot  | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|   7,457 | Vol7457    | Full      |       1 | 107,313,759,823 |      108 |   
15,552,000 |       1 | 7,457 |         1 | File      | 2015-07-15 23:29:09 |

I think, the problem is, that bacula believes, Vol7456 contains 0 volfiles.

Lukáš Hejtmánek

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