
[Bacula-users] VirtualFull mysql query blocks other jobs for a long time

2010-04-06 06:10:21
Subject: [Bacula-users] VirtualFull mysql query blocks other jobs for a long time
From: Graham Keeling <graham AT equiinet DOT com>
To: bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 11:13:44 +0100
I'm using bacula-5.0.1.
I have a 2.33GHz CPU with 2G of RAM.
I am using MySQL.
I had a VirtualFull scheduled for my client.

My log says the following:

Apr  4 18:56:02  Start Virtual Backup JobId 56, 
Apr  4 18:56:02  This Job is not an Accurate backup so is not equivalent to a 
Full backup.
Apr  6 03:56:12  Bootstrap records written to 
Apr  6 10:23:20  Ready to read from volume "backup-0002" on device "Tower 2.0" 
(/write/mnt/Tower 2).
Apr  6 10:23:20  Labeled new Volume "backup-0046" on device "Tower 2.1" 
(/write/mnt/Tower 2).
...and now, backup-0046 is being written to.

At about Apr 6 10:00, I was logged on to the director, and attempting to run
a 'status, director' command on bconsole.
bconsole printed a few bits of information, then paused. Presumably
because JobId 56 had locked the database. After 10:23:20, the command printed
the rest of its information and gave me the prompt back.

At about Apr 6 10:00, I logged into mysql, and ran 'show full processlist;',
which gave the following.

| Id   | User | Host      | db     | Command | Time  | State     | Info
| 3032 | root | localhost | bacula | Query   | 22464 | Locked    | UPDATE Job SE
T JobStatus='R',Level='F',StartTime='2010-04-06 03:56:14',ClientId=2,JobTDate=12
70522574,PoolId=7,FileSetId=2 WHERE JobId=56                                    
| 3033 | root | localhost | bacula | Query   | 22464 | executing | SELECT Path.P
ath, Filename.Name, Temp.FileIndex, Temp.JobId, LStat, MD5 FROM ( SELECT FileId,
 Job.JobId AS JobId, FileIndex, File.PathId AS PathId, File.FilenameId AS Filena
meId, LStat, MD5 FROM Job, File, ( SELECT MAX(JobTDate) AS JobTDate, PathId, Fil
enameId FROM ( SELECT JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM File JOIN Job USING (Job
Id) WHERE File.JobId IN (22,23,31,34,42,48,52) UNION ALL SELECT JobTDate, PathId
, FilenameId FROM BaseFiles JOIN File USING (FileId) JOIN Job  ON    (BaseJobId 
= Job.JobId) WHERE BaseFiles.JobId IN (22,23,31,34,42,48,52) ) AS tmp GROUP BY P
athId, FilenameId ) AS T1 WHERE (Job.JobId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT BaseJobId FROM B
aseFiles WHERE JobId IN (22,23,31,34,42,48,52)) OR Job.JobId IN (22,23,31,34,42,
48,52)) AND T1.JobTDate = Job.JobTDate AND Job.JobId = File.JobId AND T1.PathId 
= File.PathId AND T1.FilenameId = File.FilenameId ) AS Temp JOIN Filename ON (Fi
lename.FilenameId = Temp.FilenameId) JOIN Path ON (Path.PathId = Temp.PathId) WH
ERE FileIndex > 0 ORDER BY Temp.JobId, FileIndex ASC | 

'Time 22464' is equivalent to about 6 hours, so I presume that after 'Bootstrap
records written', bacula has been waiting for this sql command, during which
time it could not do anything else. Backups of other clients were failing
because I had Max Wait Time set to something less than 6 hours.

The following is a listing of the number of files that each previous backup
said it had backed up, which doesn't seem extraordinarily large to my mind.

Full: 810,400
Incr:  52,487
Incr:  52,485
Incr:  52,485
Incr: 332,649
Incr:  52,492
Incr:  52,593
Incr: 332,677
Incr:  52,497
Incr:  52,497
Incr:  52,497

So, my questions are:

Does it really need to take so long?
Is it expected that this Job blocks everything else for 6 hours?
Is there anything I can do that would speed it up?
Perhaps even more importantly, what was it doing for the 33 hour period
between Apr 4 18:56:02 and Apr 6 03:56:12? Was it just writing the bootstrap

On the Path table, I have these:
   INDEX (Path(255))

On the File table, I have these:
   INDEX (JobId, PathId, FilenameId),
   INDEX (PathId),
   INDEX (FilenameId)

On the Job table, I have these:
   INDEX (Name(128)),
   INDEX (ClientId)

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