
Re: [BackupPC-users] Round-tripping between hand-coding and the web interface

2011-09-09 09:10:07
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Round-tripping between hand-coding and the web interface
From: hansbkk AT gmail DOT com
To: "General list for user discussion, questions and support" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 20:09:02 +0700
On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 7:30 PM, Holger Parplies <wbppc AT parplies DOT de> 

> A comma at the end of a Perl list without following elements is a *purely
> cosmetic* thing. If you want one there, fine, put it there.

If you are addressing me, I wasn't proposing that at all. I believe
Bowie was simply pointing the fact that it's tolerated as a "more
valid" workaround (kludge if you prefer) solving the issue I was
speculating was behind someone using that incorrect syntax.

> Your backup really did not finish without errors. It could not, because what
> you actually requested was unfulfillable.

Yes I realize that the problem was caused by my error. I wasn't
complaining, nor did I advocate that BackupPC should do anything
different than what it does. My intention was simply to post the cause
of my problem in the interest of helping others. I'm not sure where I
got the error-causing snippet, but since it's "out there" somewhere,
it could cause the same problem for someone else.

Now that you mention it, it "would be nice" if there were an error
logged with more information as to the cause, but personally I reckon
this is just one of those edge cases that the developer(s) are fully
justified to ignore if they prefer.

> The *solution* would be to *patch the code* to retain the comma at the end of
> a list.

I agree, but wouldn't presume to request such an enhancement myself.

> You seem to prefer kludges over solutions. That's fine. Just don't advocate
> them on the list. In fact, don't even present them here without at least a
> prominent notice to the fact that they are no more than ugly kludges. *We*
> will suffer the consequences of people using kludges, not you. In fact, you
> just gave the best example yourself: someone else presented a kludge
> somewhere, you incorrectly copied it, had problems, and came to us for help.
> All of that said, the '' thing does *not even really qualify* as a kludge -
> the end of the list still has no comma. It's just plain nonsense.

Again, I never advocated using a comma at the end of the list - I was
simply responding to Bowie's (I'm sure well-intentioned) post.

> If you can come up with an implementation that can retain the comments within
> the block, I'm sure Craig will happily accept the patch. I'll just say I don't
> think it can be done (correctly, that is, not some kludge that only works half
> of the time - I shouldn't normally have to explicitly state that) without
> reimplementing the Perl parser.

Again, I wasn't complaining, nor advocating that BackupPC do anything
different from what it currently does. I was simply posting a factual
observation, sharing my experience in the interest of furthering
fellow noob's knowledge, helping them avoid making the same mistakes.

> I believe, using both the BackupPC web GUI and a text editor to modify your
> configuration files is not officially supported. You do that at your own risk
> and shouldn't complain about problems it causes.

I realize that, and thought my posting details on my precautionary
procedures would sufficiently demonstrate my awareness of the fact
that I'm "living on the edge".

Thanks as always for your detailed and thoughtful feedback.

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