
RE: How to define tape sequence

2009-05-31 13:34:36
Subject: RE: How to define tape sequence
From: "Hugh E Cruickshank" <hugh AT forsoft DOT com>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 09:56:12 -0700
From: Gene Heskett Sent: May 27, 2009 20:56
> On Wednesday 27 May 2009, Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
> >Amanda 2.6.1, RHEL 5.3
> Mmm, from tarball or rpm?

>From the RPM file.

> >6. My first amdump started with tape 5 and then the next went to 1
> >   and then back to 5 and now just uses 5 (and does not dump
> >    anything).
> Inspect the tapelist at your /build/path/etc/amanda/DailySet1/, usually 
> /usr/local/etc/amanda/, something went agaga.  It sounds as if 
> there are only 
> 2 entries, where there should be 5.  Amlabel originates that 
> file, and amdump 
> shuffles the list as they are used.

There were definitely 5 entries. I think the problem was that it did
a level 0 and then an (empty) level 1. Each subsequent amdump was also
empty hence the re-use of the tape.

> If the system is not 'adjusted' by human hands :), the normal tape
> usage will be in the order they were labeled.  I use a script that 
> increments the tape number as they are being labeled when I need to
> restart the whole thing as I did about 60 days back due to a drive
> failure of the drive the vtapes I use were on.

I did "adjust" things so this could have been part of the problem.

> Any other problems should be found by an su amanda -c "amcheck
> DailySet1" where 'amanda' is the user who will run the backups. That
> user can be anyone, but should be a member of the group disk or
> backup, even bin for some distributions. Probably compiled in & fixed
> by RH if its rpm's. And my advise isn't going to be 100% spot on as
> I don't use the rpms.

I have been using the RPMs so the user is amandabackup and
I have been running the amcheck but no obvious errors.

Thanks for you for your response.

Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software, 

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