
Re: Is there a log that tells me the block size of a Backup Job

2008-07-24 10:59:51
Subject: Re: Is there a log that tells me the block size of a Backup Job
From: Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
To: Doyle Collings <dcollings AT loganutah DOT org>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:55:26 +0200
Doyle Collings wrote:
[..]  I have tarred to that drive at speeds of 5.5 gigabtyes a minute.
A good method to find out how fast your tapedrive could work in
your current environment is to write a scratch tape with the
"amtapetype" command like:

  amtapetype -e 800g /dev/nst0

Takes a few hours.

And this also a test to verify if you need to sacrifice more chickens
or goats on the cables, adaptors and connectors, if you run
into early EOT, usually by some tape write error.