
Re: IPv6 Question

2008-01-27 15:23:31
Subject: Re: IPv6 Question
From: eric AT cirr DOT com (Eric Schnoebelen)
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 14:13:27 -0600
"Yoshihiro Ishikawa" writes:
- I used
- {{{
- [root@fedora network-scripts]# more /etc/redhat-release
- Fedora Core release 6 (Zod)
- [amandabackup@fedora ~]$ amadmin xx version
- build: VERSION="Amanda-2.5.2p1"
- }}}
- I want to use the IPv6 with the Amanda, so now i test on only local backup.
- But I regret to inform you that I don't have further knowledge about the IP
- v6.


- But the next config is not working.
- #Pattern2:
- [disklist]
- fedora_ipv6     /etc    root-tar        # USE IPV6
- [/etc/hosts]
- fe80::215:c5ff:fe77:8c47        fedora_ipv6
- "fe80::215:c5ff:fe77:8c47" is the eth0 on the same host.

What does the IPv6 routing table show?  Does it show a host
route of the systems local address pointing to the loopback
(lo?) interface?

On most systems, part of the networking initialization inserts
host routes for the local host's addresses pointing at the
loopback interface.

I hope this helps,

Eric Schnoebelen                eric AT cirr DOT com   
    Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of
     nature, because God is not capricious or arbitrary.  No such 
        faith comforts the software engineer.  -- Fred Brooks

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