
Re: "disk was stranded on waitq"/sendsize timed out waiting for REP data

2007-03-12 10:09:06
Subject: Re: "disk was stranded on waitq"/sendsize timed out waiting for REP data
From: Toralf Lund <toralf AT procaptura DOT com>
To: Amanda Mailing List <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 14:54:33 +0100
Toralf Lund wrote:
Forgot to answer this earlier, I think...
If you can't kill sendsize, it's because it is hang in a system call.
It's often when it try to access a mount point.
Do you have a hanged mount point?
But yes, you are absolutely right. The host in question had problems with an NFS mount. [ ... ]

After I got rid of this mount I thought everything worked fine, but right now I discovered that I still get the "disk stranded" message - but without sendsize hangs this time ;-(
Note that I ended up removing "amandates" and all gnutar-lists files on the host in question in order to get back on track.

After I had resolved the NFS issues, "sendsize" would not exactly hang, but it didn't work properly, either - the process would just sit there (apparently) doing nothing for hours - until the amanda server eventually timed out and gave up on the DLEs in question. Very frustrating. But like I said, after removing all state files, everything seems to work just fine.

- Toralf

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