
Re: ERROR: new tape not found in rack

2005-05-18 10:25:19
Subject: Re: ERROR: new tape not found in rack
From: Vicki Stanfield <vicki AT progeny DOT com>
To: Alexander Jolk <alexj AT buf DOT com>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 09:16:35 -0500
Alexander Jolk wrote:

Vicki Stanfield wrote:

I edited the tapelist to make sure the should-be-current tape was the last one listed: I moved to the top of the file and zeroed out the dates on the entries for tapes that had been used since the tarball was made.

According to your last mail, you have successfully un-stuck your problem, but just a note: a date stamp of zero means to amanda that the tape has never been used before. Since you had two tapes with non-zero dates I believe, amanda would prefer the unused tapes to them.


Thanks. I hadn't thought that succinctly through that part of it.


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