
archiving tapes?!

2005-01-27 12:14:51
Subject: archiving tapes?!
From: Sebastian Kösters <skoesters AT sino DOT de>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:08:01 +0100

i have a problem. For weekly backups we use Amanda with v-tapes. These tapes
get overwritten every week. No problems. Works fine. 

At Sunday we want Amanda to backup on real tapes. These tapes should not be
overwritten every Sunday. We want to archive the tapes. 

Now the problem. The Backup on tape works fine. But if I want to restore a
tape/backup older than the last one this fails. I?am only able to restore
the last Backup from tape. I wanted to use the same amlabel for every Sunday
because I don?t want the tapelist file become that long.

In which way I must configure Amanda to backup on tape so I can archive the
tapes AND can restore every tape?

I hope someone understands my problem. 

Best regards,


Here is my config: 

# amanda.conf - sample Amanda configuration file.  This started off life as
#               the actual config file in use at CS.UMD.EDU.
# If your configuration is called, say, "csd", then this file normally goes
# in /etc/amanda/csd/amanda.conf.

org "sino"  # AMANDA_WEBMIN
mailto "mail AT mail DOT de"  # AMANDA_WEBMIN
dumpuser "amanda"  # AMANDA_WEBMIN

inparallel 2            # maximum dumpers that will run in parallel (max 63)
                        # this maximum can be increased at compile-time,
                        # modifying MAX_DUMPERS in server-src/driverio.h
netusage  800 Kbps      # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

# Set to default by AMANDA_WEBMIN - runspercycle 20  # AMANDA_WEBMIN
                        # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just
tapecycle 1 tapes  # AMANDA_WEBMIN
                        # 4 weeks (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week (just
                        # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that
                        # need amflush and so we do not overwrite the full
                        # backups performed at the beginning of the previous
                        # cycle
### ### ###
# WARNING: don't use `inf' for tapecycle, it's broken!
### ### ###

bumpsize 20 Mb # AMANDA_WEBMIN
bumpdays 1  # AMANDA_WEBMIN
bumpmult 4  # AMANDA_WEBMIN

etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
#etimeout -600          # total number of seconds for estimates.
# a positive number will be multiplied by the number of filesystems on
# each host; a negative number will be taken as an absolute total time-out.
# The default is 5 minutes per filesystem.

dtimeout 1800           # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.

ctimeout 30             # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
                        # for each client host

tapebufs 20 # AMANDA_WEBMIN
# A positive integer telling taper how many 32k buffers to allocate.
# WARNING! If this is set too high, taper will not be able to allocate
# the memory and will die.  The default is 20 (640k).

# Specify tape device and/or tape changer.  If you don't have a tape
# changer, and you don't want to use more than one tape per run of
# amdump, just comment out the definition of tpchanger.

# Some tape changers require tapedev to be defined; others will use
# their own tape device selection mechanism.  Some use a separate tape
# changer device (changerdev), others will simply ignore this
# parameter.  Some rely on a configuration file (changerfile) to
# obtain more information about tape devices, number of slots, etc;
# others just need to store some data in files, whose names will start
# with changerfile.  For more information about individual tape
# changers, read docs/TAPE.CHANGERS.

# At most one changerfile entry must be defined; select the most
# appropriate one for your configuration.  If you select man-changer,
# keep the first one; if you decide not to use a tape changer, you may
# comment them all out.

runtapes 1 # AMANDA_WEBMIN
#tpchanger "chg-manual" # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "/dev/nst0" # AMANDA_WEBMIN
# Set to default by AMANDA_WEBMIN - rawtapedev "/dev/nst0"      # the raw
device to be used (ftape only)
#changerfile "/var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/changer"
#changerfile "/var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/changer-status"
#changerfile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/changer.conf"
changerdev "/dev/null"

tapetype DAT
labelstr "^DailySet1[0-9][0-9]*$" # AMANDA_WEBMIN

# Specify holding disks.  These are used as a temporary staging area for
# dumps before they are written to tape and are recommended for most sites.
# The advantages include: tape drive is more likely to operate in streaming
# mode (which reduces tape and drive wear, reduces total dump time);
# dumps can be done in parallel (which can dramatically reduce total dump
# The main disadvantage is that dumps on the holding disk need to be flushed
# (with amflush) to tape after an operating system crash or a tape failure.
# If no holding disks are specified then all dumps will be written directly
# to tape.  If a dump is too big to fit on the holding disk than it will be
# written directly to tape.  If more than one holding disk is specified then
# they will all be used round-robin.

#holdingdisk hd1 {
#    comment "main holding disk"
#    directory "/dumps/amanda"  # where the holding disk is
#    use 290 Mb         # how much space can we use on it
#                       # a non-positive value means:
#                       #        use all space but that value
#    chunksize 1Gb      # size of chunk if you want big dump to be
#                       # dumped on multiple files on holding disks
#                       #  N Kb/Mb/Gb split images in chunks of size N
#                       #             The maximum value should be
#                       #             (MAX_FILE_SIZE - 1Mb)
#                       #  0          same as INT_MAX bytes
#    }
#holdingdisk hd2 {
#    directory "/dumps2/amanda"
#    use 1000 Mb
#    }
#holdingdisk hd3 {
#    directory "/mnt/disk4"
#    use 1000 Mb
#    }

# If amanda cannot find a tape on which to store backups, it will run
# as many backups as it can to the holding disks.  In order to save
# space for unattended backups, by default, amanda will only perform
# incremental backups in this case, i.e., it will reserve 100% of the
# holding disk space for the so-called degraded mode backups.
# However, if you specify a different value for the `reserve'
# parameter, amanda will not degrade backups if they will fit in the
# non-reserved portion of the holding disk.

# reserve 30 # percent
# This means save at least 30% of the holding disk space for degraded
# mode backups.

# The format for a ColumnSpec is a ',' seperated list of triples.
# Each triple consists of
#   + the name of the column (as in ColumnNameStrings)
#   + prefix before the column
#   + the width of the column, if set to -1 it will be recalculated
#     to the maximum length of a line to print.
# Example:
#       "Disk=1:17,HostName=1:10,OutKB=1:7"
# or
#       "Disk=1:-1,HostName=1:10,OutKB=1:7"
# You need only specify those colums that should be changed from
# the default. If nothing is specified in the configfile, the
# above compiled in values will be in effect, resulting in an
# output as it was all the time.
# The names of the colums are:
# HostName, Disk, Level, OrigKB, OutKB, Compress, DumpTime, DumpRate,
# TapeTime and TapeRate.
#                                                       ElB, 1999-02-24.
# columnspec "Disk=1:18,HostName=0:10,OutKB=1:7"

# Amanda needs a few Mb of diskspace for the log and debug files,
# as well as a database.  This stuff can grow large, so the conf directory
# isn't usually appropriate.  Some sites use /usr/local/var and some
# Create an amanda directory under there.  You need a separate infofile and
# logdir for each configuration, so create subdirectories for each conf and
# put the files there.  Specify the locations below.

# Note that, although the keyword below is infofile, it is only so for
# historic reasons, since now it is supposed to be a directory (unless
# you have selected some database format other than the `text' default)
infofile "/var/lib/amanda/full-sonntag/curinfo"  # AMANDA_WEBMIN
logdir "/var/lib/amanda/full-sonntag"  # AMANDA_WEBMIN
indexdir "/var/lib/amanda/full-sonntag/index"  # AMANDA_WEBMIN
#tapelist "/var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/tapelist"  # list of used tapes
# tapelist is stored, by default, in the directory that contains amanda.conf

# tapetypes

# Define the type of tape you use here, and use it in "tapetype"
# above.  Some typical types of tapes are included here.  The tapetype
# tells amanda how many MB will fit on the tape, how big the filemarks
# are, and how fast the tape device is.

# A filemark is the amount of wasted space every time a tape section
# ends.  If you run `make tapetype' in tape-src, you'll get a program
# that generates tapetype entries, but it is slow as hell, use it only
# if you really must and, if you do, make sure you post the data to
# the amanda mailing list, so that others can use what you found out
# by searching the archives.

# For completeness Amanda should calculate the inter-record gaps too,
# but it doesn't.  For EXABYTE and DAT tapes this is ok.  Anyone using
# 9 tracks for amanda and need IRG calculations?  Drop me a note if
# so.

# If you want amanda to print postscript paper tape labels
# add a line after the comment in the tapetype of the form
#    lbl-templ "/path/to/postscript/template/"

# if you want the label to go to a printer other than the default
# for your system, you can also add a line above for a different
# printer. (i usually add that line after the dumpuser specification)

# dumpuser "operator"     # the user to run dumps under
# printer "mypostscript"  # printer to print paper label on

# here is an example of my definition for an EXB-8500

# define tapetype EXB-8500 {
# ...
#     lbl-templ "/usr/local/amanda/config/"

define tapetype DAT {
    comment "DAT tape drives"
    length 35000 mbytes         # these numbers are not accurate
    filemark 100 kbytes         # but you get the idea
    speed 100 kbytes

define dumptype high-tar {
    comment "partitions dumped with tar"
    priority high
    program "GNUTAR"
    index yes
    dumpcycle 0
    record no
# network interfaces
# These are referred to by the disklist file.  They define the attributes
# of the network interface that the remote machine is accessed through.
# Notes: - netusage above defines the attributes that are used when the
#          disklist entry doesn't specify otherwise.
#        - the values below are only samples.
#        - specifying an interface does not force the traffic to pass
#          through that interface.  Your OS routing tables do that.  This
#          is just a mechanism to stop Amanda trashing your network.
# Attributes are:
#       use             - bandwidth above which amanda won't start
#                         backups using this interface.  Note that if
#                         a single backup will take more than that,
#                         amanda won't try to make it run slower!

define interface local {
    comment "a local disk"
    use 1000 kbps

define interface eth0 {
    comment "10 Mbps ethernet"
    use 800 kbps

# You may include other amanda configuration files, so you can share
# dumptypes, tapetypes and interface definitions among several
# configurations.

#includefile "/usr/local/amanda.conf.main"

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