
Re: backup lasts forever on large fs

2003-11-11 12:53:58
Subject: Re: backup lasts forever on large fs
From: Zoltan Kato <kato AT inf.u-szeged DOT hu>
To: "Stefan G. Weichinger" <monitor AT DOT at>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 18:51:51 +0100 (MET)
> ZK> My config is the following:
> ZK> Amanda server runs on the same machine (i.e. the tape drive, which is a HP
> ZK> DLT 40/80GB attached directly to this server).
> Which one? I assume that your machines are the following disklist
> entries, even if some are commented out right now.
> From your former post I assume is your Amanda
> tape server.

Ooops, the disklist file has been changed since I last tried to backup
/home. Of course, the right entry was the following:    /home           user-tar

> Is the holdingdisk the same physical disk as the on /home is on?

No, it is on another partition (/opt) and partly on the same physical
disk. Here are the relevant parts:

/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s5       20G   1.0G    18G     6%    /opt
/dev/md/dsk/d0         102G    51G    51G    51%    /home

Since /home is under lvm, it uses two disks. Out of the 102G, we have 30G
on the same disk as /opt. However, it is hard to tell how much of the 50G
is actually stored on the same disk as /opt. Anyway, the holding disk is
only 18G so it is not used for the backup of /home.

> #disklist
>   /home {
>                        user-tar
>                        holdingdisk no
>                        }
> or creating a specific dumptype which disables holdingdisk.
> Disabling this would show if Amanda then is able to dump /home.

OK, I'm going start it right now with these settings,

