
Re: No index records problem

2003-09-26 13:34:08
Subject: Re: No index records problem
From: Stefano Coletta <creator AT mindcreations DOT com>
To: Martin <ammail AT sebastian DOT nl>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 19:01:42 +0200
If you cut

from the line and you tar again the file you'll see that restore works.

The resulting line will be:


However you have to use the latest tar version to get properly generated index files.

Stefano Coletta

Martin wrote:

Jon, I have successfully gunzipped the indexfile. Amanda is backing up
exactly one directory on the client and that directory contains just one
file. Here are the contents of the gunzipped file:


The filename above is indeed the file amanda should backup.
Does this look like a correct index file? It does to me..... Any


On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 04:20:11PM +0200, Martin wrote:

I'm having some trouble using amrecover. When I try restoring one
particular client's files on the amanda server, amrecover tells me:
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator

This results in no files being shown when I do an ls, and so I am not
able to recover any files.
Strangely, other clients in the same backup-run do not have this
problem, only that particular client.
The amdump was done without any errors/warnings. Since I am doing the
dump to my harddisk in stead of tape, I can actually see the amanda
backupfile sitting there, so there's been no error in transfering the data.
I checked /usr/adm/amanda/fulldaily/index/pc28/somedir and there is a
file named 20030926_0.gz in it, so I suppose the indexfile has been created
Does it seem ok?  Do a "gzmore" on the file if you have it,
or "gunzip < 20030926_0.gz | more" if you don't.

It should start with a list of directory full pathnames starting from
the root of the DLE, not the system.  The directory entries IIRC end
with a "/" also.  This will be followed by the list of files.

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