
Re: Copying from one tape to another tape

2003-09-19 14:49:21
Subject: Re: Copying from one tape to another tape
From: Jay Lessert <jayl AT accelerant DOT net>
To: "Joshua D. Bello" <josh AT nextrials DOT com>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 08:50:51 -0700
On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 03:54:27PM -0700, Joshua D. Bello wrote:
> I am attempting to copy from one tape to another using dd, and getting
> the following results:
> [15:37:44]root@anubis:/local0/tmp# dd bs=32k if=/dev/rsa1 of=/dev/rsa0
> 1+0 records in
> 1+0 records out
> 32768 bytes transferred in 1.628442 secs (20122 bytes/sec)
> The return is instantaneous, and obviously this copy is not working.  I
> no longer have the amanda logs or index files for this tape.

You're really close!  Amanda stores multiple files on the tape; so far
you've only copied the first file (the tape label).  Assuming that
your no-rewind devices are /dev/nrsa1 & /dev/nrsa0, something like
this should work better:

mt -f /dev/nrsa1 rewind
mt -f /dev/nrsa0 rewind
while true ; do
    echo copying tape file number $filenum
    dd bs=32k if=/dev/nrsa1 of=/dev/nrsa0 || exit
    filenum=`expr $filenum + 1`

I assume dd will return fail status when /dev/nrsa1 hits EOM, but
I've not tested that; keep an eye on it.  IIRC, your total number
of files should be #DLEs + 2.

Jay Lessert                               jay_lessert AT accelerant DOT net
Accelerant Networks Inc.                       (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA                                (fax)1.503.466.9472