
Re: Self backup err

2003-09-18 07:05:05
Subject: Re: Self backup err
From: Leonid Shulov <lshulov AT arabellasw DOT com>
To: Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 14:02:13 +0300
Paul Bijnens wrote:
Leonid Shulov wrote:

Paul Bijnens wrote:

Here it seems you are running as user "backup" while the program
"runtar" was compiled with the user "amanda".


I ran amdump with:
export CLIENT_LOGIN="backup" with same results.

Program "amdump" runs on the server, while "runtar" runs on the client.
The fact that in this case it is the same computer doesn't matter.

You have to arrange that "runtar" is invoked as user amanda.

1. I think it is err in RH 9.0, because my others stations is with Debian 3.0 and amdump work from:

The debian amanda package seems to be compiled with user "backup", but the RH9 package is compiled with user "amanda".
Yes, too many things in amanda are defined at compile time, we all agree.

2. In home dir for backup in .amndahosts:
asraid01 backup

It should be the home directory of "amanda", and service "amanda" for
xinetd should be configured with "user = amanda" (wasn't it set up
like that when installed?).
In .amandahosts in the home directory of user amanda, you have
"asraid01 backup" (assuming you have "dumpuser backup" in the
amanda.conf fileand you are running amdump as that user),
meaning: when a user named "backup" from host "asraid01" connects,
let her in.

Or, you can recompile amanda on RH9 with
  "./configure --with-user=backup ..."
and keep using user backup.

I don't compile for RH and Debian.
I took amanda for RH9 from CD from precompiling packeg.


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