
Re: Self backup err

2003-09-18 06:07:08
Subject: Re: Self backup err
From: Leonid Shulov <lshulov AT arabellasw DOT com>
To: Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 13:04:42 +0300
Paul Bijnens wrote:
Leonid Shulov wrote:

Paul Bijnens wrote:

I was silently hoping that you would give more information
than a simple "it doesn't work"...

OK, now we have some real information.

6. Logfile sendsize:


sendsize[7202]: time 0.013: error [must be invoked by amanda]


8. Log file amandad:
Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 000-705B0608 SEQ 1063812950


amandad: time 0.001: bsd security: remote host asraid01 user backup local user backup

Here it seems you are running as user "backup" while the program
"runtar" was compiled with the user "amanda".

I ran amdump with:
export CLIENT_LOGIN="backup" with same results.

1. I think it is err in RH 9.0, because my others stations is with Debian 3.0 and amdump work from:
astp0002 /dev/hda2
astp0002 /dev/hda6
astp0002 /dev/hda7
astp0002 /dev/hda8
astp0002 /dev/hda9
astp0002 /dev/hda10
astp0003 /dev/hda10
igort /dev/hda7
aspc0001 /dev/hda12
daniel /dev/hda12 without err.
2. In home dir for backup in .amndahosts:
asraid01 backup
3. In crontab
01 10-17 * * 0-4 backup run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

I don't now what yet to do

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