
Any hints on a drive I have?

2003-07-15 16:30:16
Subject: Any hints on a drive I have?
From: "Anders Norrbring" <anders AT norrbring DOT biz>
To: "Amanda users" <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 22:27:09 +0200

I'm trying to set up an old drive here, and I might as well ask you people
if there's someone out there who's tried (and better yet - MANAGED) to set
up this type of drive.

To business, it's a HP Colorado 20GBe drive, that is Travan TR-5, connected
to the parallel port.  I think the setup would be something like loading
modules; parport, paride, epat and pt and then the drive will show up on
/dev/pt0 but I'm not really sure about that.  Neither do I know
diddely-squat about putting it to work in Amanda, I can't find any clear
documentation or how-to on it.

So, any ideas and hints are really welcome!


Anders Norrbring
Norrbring Consulting

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