
include/export again

2003-05-23 21:51:08
Subject: include/export again
From: Mathias Körber <mathias AT koerber DOT org>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 09:49:00 +0800
to specify more clearly my current problem with Amanda's
include/exclude rules when using GNUTAR, here is what
I am trying to achieve and my current workaround.

If someone knows of any better way to do this, I would
appreciate it.
Would in-/exclude lists help in this case? Never
used them. Does anyone have an example configuration?

One more question regarding wildcards in in-/excludes:

Should I use
or      "./imap*" ?

would the second match
files also?

Without using wildcards, will
or      "./imap/"

result in the whole subdirectory recursively
being in-/excluded? Or do I need wildcards
for that?


Here goes, from my disklist:

# need to do some fancy splitting here as GNUTAR backups
# cannot include/exclude subdirectories more than one level down
# (ie., names in {in|ex}clude "./.." directives must begin with "./"
# and not contain any other '/'. see amanda(1) :-(
# we really want to do this:

# # all imap related stuff together..
# localhost imap /var {
#       comp-high-tar
#       include "./imap*" "./spool/imap*"
#       } 4
# # everything else in /var..
# localhost var-other /var {
#       comp-high-tar
#       exclude "./imap*" "./spool/imap*"
#       } 4
# instead we have to:
#       a) back up both IMAP areas separately:
localhost imap /var/imap {
       include "./spool/imap*" "./imap*"
       } 4

localhost imapspool /var/spool/imap {
       } 4

#       b)back up spool excluding {/var/spool}/imap
#       which is already listed above
localhost var-spool /var/spool {
       exclude "./imap*"
       } 4

# and   c) define the rest of /var excluding
#       [/var]/imap
# and   [/var]/spool
localhost var-other /var {
       exclude "./spool*" "./imap*"
       } 4

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