
Re: features: append, span tapes, compress?

2003-01-28 12:11:24
Subject: Re: features: append, span tapes, compress?
From: Brian Cuttler <brian AT wadsworth DOT org>
To: jrj AT purdue DOT edu
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 11:29:56 -0500 (EST)
I've copied my original amanda configuration into two
separate/new directories.

ie /usr/local/etc/amanda/ninfo becomes both
   /usr/local/etc/amanda/newtonr and

(left and right drives, local and remote client, your pick).

I modified the files in newtonr to reflect the change of path.

I modified the files in newtonl to reflect the change of path
and also to effect the change from /dev/rmt/0cn to 1cn and
the change of change from /dev/scsi/changer/c5t4d0 to c6t4d0.

The newtonr configuration is working fine.

The newtonl configuration is reporting that its unable to
deftermine the current slot.

I seem to have full control of the drive via the mtx command
but chg-zd-mtx is failing, therefor amcheck is failing.

Oddly enough amanda seems to know that I have two drives and
is creating two separate tape access logs in /tmp/amanda (I'm
uncertain how it knows to do this). The files are called

        changer.debug.drive0 and changer.debug.drive1.

I will tail the drive1 output log file, its 10,000 bytes and I
don't want to send more than is needed.

Any help would be apreciated - I know its got to be some silly
file protection problem but I'm just not finding it, not in the
/dev/rmt nor /dev/scsi/changer links, not the /devices files nor
in the amanda directories itself.

11:25:01 Arg info:
         $# = 1
         $0 = "/usr/local/libexec/chg-zd-mtx"
         $1 = "-info"
11:25:01 Running: mtx status
11:25:01 Exit code: 0
  Storage Changer /dev/scsi/changer/c6t4d0:1 Drives, 9 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 1 Loaded):VolumeTag = AF6385L1    
      Storage Element 1:Empty:VolumeTag=                                
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=AF6386L1                        
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=AF6387L1                        
      Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=AF6388L1                        
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=AF6389L1                        
      Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=AF6399L1                        
      Storage Element 7:Full :VolumeTag=CLNI59L1                        
      Storage Element 8:Full :VolumeTag=CLNI58L1                        
      Storage Element 9:Full :VolumeTag=CLNI57L1                        
11:25:02 Config info:
         firstslot = "1"
         lastslot = "9"
         cleanslot = "-1"
         cleancycle = "120"
         offline_before_unload = "0"
         unloadpause = "0"
         autoclean = "0"
         autocleancount = "99"
         havereader = "1"
         driveslot = "1"
         poll_drive_ready = "3"
         max_drive_wait = "120"
11:25:02 SETUP    -> current slot -1 less than 1 ... resetting to 1
11:25:02 WARNING  -> current slot 1 not available, setting current slot to next 
slot (2)
11:25:02 Exit (2) -> <none> could not determine current slot




> >We are looking at a trival method of dividing up the amanda
> >disks - group 1) local to server, group 2) remote clients.
> That will work very easily.  No special (source code) work required.
> >Since one amanda will never actually touch the ethernet interface
> >is there another method or work-around we should know about ?
> Nope.  Amanda does not do anything special for the "local" client.
> It still connects to inetd, etc.  So you have to set up the server just
> like any other client (in addition to the server setup).
> Most OS's detect connections to the local host and shortstop the traffic
> to the loopback interface for you.
> >I've never had to compile with alternate ports before, assuming
> >its ./configure --with-port= or some equiv, if there a howto
> >on exactly what switches and other considerations ?
> You won't need alternate ports.  You can do what you need to do with
> two Amanda configurations on the server.  One has a disklist, etc, that
> refer to just the server.  The other has all the other clients.  Since the
> configurations are in separate directories, there won't be any crosstalk.
> >How do I choose ports without risking collision with anything else ?
> As above, you don't need to because you can just use two configurations.
> But for anyone else reading this that *does* want to use alternate ports,
> I just picked related numbers and had my local network guru register them.
> That's no guarantee some annoying program won't grab one of them at
> just the wrong time, but there's no guarantee that won't happen with
> the normal Amanda ports (or any other port, for that matter).
> Here are my amanda /etc/services entries:
>   amanda          10080/tcp                       # CC - Amanda backup system
>   amanda-alt1     11080/tcp                       # CC - Amanda backup system
>   amanda-alt2     12080/tcp                       # CC - Amanda backup system
>   amanda          10080/udp                       # CC - Amanda backup system
>   amanda-alt1     11080/udp                       # CC - Amanda backup system
>   amanda-alt2     12080/udp                       # CC - Amanda backup system
> Also, the "alternate port" patch I was talking about allows you to pick
> the port in the amanda.conf file -- no rebuild is needed (except once
> to apply the patch).
> >                                             Brian
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, jrj AT purdue DOT edu

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