
Re: special backupcase

2002-09-05 09:40:56
Subject: Re: special backupcase
From: Thomas Kirk <thomas AT arkena DOT com>
To: Jim Summers <jsummers AT bachman.cs.ou DOT edu>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 15:29:15 +0200
Hey Jim

On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 08:01:52AM -0500, Jim Summers wrote:

First of all thanks for the quick answer! :)

> I think you will have to set up multiple disklist / configs to try and
> force Amanda to do this.

Hmm this seems abit complicated to me as im still trying to grasp the
basic concepts of amanda? If you could point me towards some reading
or howto i would be very grateful!

> Amanda herself determines the level and when that level will be done
> within the dumpcycle.  She tries to balance the amount of data backed up
> each run so as to maximize tape usage.

So what you are telling me is that i can't control wich days to do the full
backup and which days to do incremental

> Each fs backed up MUST be able to fit on a tape.  You need to specify
> multiple tapes / use of a tape changer would be desireable.

Ok let me get this straight fs here means filesystem ok? a filesystem
is per/machine? or is it per time amanda is running? So when amanda is
running and doing a full backup all the filesystems listed in disklist
should be able to fit on one tape? Im using the newest beta which will
backup to our NAS box with 400GB available so i guess its just a
question to fool amanda to think that im running some big DLT that can
have +80GB on one tape or so? Is that right?

Venlig hilsen/Kind regards
Thomas Kirk

BOFH excuse #51:

Cosmic ray particles crashed through the hard disk platter

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