
Re: amdump and tar don't work

2002-08-09 11:10:56
Subject: Re: amdump and tar don't work
From: "Brandon D. Valentine" <bandix AT structbio.vanderbilt DOT edu>
To: thomas holstein <thomas.holstein AT heitec DOT de>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 09:51:57 -0500
On Fri, 9 Aug 2002, thomas holstein wrote:

>   samson.hei /dev/da0s1e lev 0 FAILED [disk /dev/da0s1e offline on

You must give tar directory names, not disk devices.  Rather than
/dev/da0s1e you need to tell tar to backup /var or whereever that
partition happens to be mounted.  Modify your disklist to reflect this.

Brandon D. Valentine <bandix AT structbio.vanderbilt DOT edu>
Computer Geek, Center for Structural Biology

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