Re: [ADSM-L] Bring back TSM Administrator's Guide

2015-12-16 01:39:55
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Bring back TSM Administrator's Guide
From: Markus Engelhard <markus.engelhard AT BUNDESBANK DOT DE>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 07:38:41 +0100
One more on the topic: the admin guide has always been a great starting
point for a one-stop doc to set aside printed documentation for a true dr:
printed out as an addition to the home-grown documentation and available
without internet or local file access. Apart from this it has also served
as a great reading doc for new admins to get a grasp of the product and
implications after having read the basic concepts redbook sg244877 (which
lacks all features like dedupe, replication, cloud) and sg248134 .
I hope the ongoing restore of the wiki on the backup product doesn´t shed a
light on the backup product backing it up (just as a med will be the worst
of all patients).

Thanks for caring and have fun,
