Re: lost my files

1999-02-16 09:43:03
Subject: Re: lost my files
From: Dwight Cook <decook AT AMOCO DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 08:43:03 -0600
     OK, this discussion is for backups (incremental/selective)

     Storage pools don't/can't have retention characteristics !

     Only management class copy groups have retention characteristics...

     A file is bound to a management class.

     If you rebind a file to a new management class, all copies of that
     file fall under the rule of the new management class.  (ie you did
     have the file under a "no limit" mgmtclass and you had 30 copies (1
     active, 29 inactive) you then rebound it to a mgmtclass with 7 copies
     (1 active, 6 inactive) Well..... next time expiration runs 23 of you
     copies go away.

     AND since storage pools don't have retention characteristics, once
     data is on the adsm server you may use "move data" to shuffle it
     anywhere you wish.


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: lost my files
Author:  iap (iap AT TAROM.LOGICNET DOT RO) at unix,mime
Date:    2/16/99 2:52 AM

Hello all,

Day by day I do my backups on two stgpools. I set my backup copy
groups,  no of expiring days based on the no of copies existed/deleted
in my file space , and so on.

One day last month, I did a full backup on another stgpool with the "No
limit settings "  in a new defined backup copy group.

The expiration process on those two stgpools works like a charm.

BUT my files on that stgpool got expired !

I did it, but now I want to understand what did I do wrong...
Please help !

Thank you

Mihai Iancu
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